Thursday, 17 July 2008

God's Love Endures Forever

A wise man once told me "Don't look at what you cannot do. Look instead at what God wants to teach you through this."
"His love endures forever."

It does not help me or quicken the healing process for me to bemoan that I am not where I want to be right now.
"His love endures forever."

Having cancer and undergoing treatment and surgery is not the same as having the flu. It takes longer to recover and to build up one's strength.
"His love endures forever."

I think I had a "matter of fact" attitude to me having ovarian cancer. While I was praying for healing, I accepted the fact that I had cancer and I needed to undergo chemotherapy and surgery. What I was not prepared for was my resulting emotions and responses after it was all over.
"His love endures forever."

Having cancer, I feel, was like being pushed off a cliff. Now I am in the process of "climbing back up". There are no "elevators" or "T-bars" to assist me. It is a slow, sometimes laborious, process. I cannot will my body to be stronger or to not get tired.
His love endures forever."

I think I resented the fact that I became ill with ovarian cancer rather quickly, but my recovery is not as quick as the onset was.
"His love endures forever."

When I pause and "look at what God wants to teach" me, I hear in my spirit "His love endures forever." In the midst of my trials, God is there upholding me.

"Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good.
His love endures forever.
Give thanks to the God of gods.
His love endures forever.
Give thanks to the Lord of lords.
His love endures forever."
Psalm 136:1-3 (NIV)

Psalm 136 tells the story of Israel's history with "His love endures forever" inserted after each phrase. As I was going to write this blog that psalm came to mind - hence the insertions.

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