Saturday, 28 June 2008

The Benefits of Very Short Hair

I have decided that instead of feeling sorry for myself and indulging in self-pity I would compose a list of benefits of having very short hair.

1) It is cooler in the hot, humid weather.

2) I am able to have all the car windows wide open, and the sun roof open, without hair blowing in my face!

3) It is quick to get ready; I just wash my hair and go.

4) It is economical; I save on hair styling products and visits to the hair salon.

5) When I awaken in the morning I have no "bed head"!

6) I have no "bad hair days"!

7) There is no hair out of place. I can be confident that I look the same all day, from the first look in the mirror to the last look at night!

I know that my hair is growing and I won't always have very short hair. I will look back on this time and thank God for bringing me through it.

1 comment:

littlesis said...

What a fantastic attitude you have, Debbie! You are choosing to 'look on the bright side', to focus on the positive. Just as your hair loss was a telltale sign of being sick, your hair growth is a sign of wellness, renewal and health! I thank God for this!

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